The William D. McDowell Observatory is open on Wednesdays, year-round, weather permitting.
Viewing sessions are for ages 10 and up. Hours vary by season. March and April hours are 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
There is no cost for viewing sessions and advance sign-up is not necessary,
Please call the Observatory hotline each Wednesday for operating status. The hotline number is 201-460-4001 and will be updated by 4 p.m.
What You’ll See
Planning Your Visit:
- The Observatory is neither heated nor air conditioned so that the telescope will operate properly. Please dress for the weather.
- The Observatory holds up to 15 people at one time. Arriving at the start of the evening is recommended to minimize wait time.
- While visitors wait to enter the Observatory, staff will discuss the telescope, what will be visible and other aspects of astronomy.
- There is no fee and advance sign-up is not necessary.
- To access the Observatory, a visitor must be able to climb a 25-step, spiral staircase. The stairs have railings on either side, approximately 2 feet apart.

About the Telescope
- The hand-made, research grade Classical-Cassegrain telescope has a 20-inch mirror and is housed within a six-meter retractable dome. The telescope is capable of viewing objects millions of light years away.
- The telescope is capable of seeing the moon, planets and their moons, nebulas, star clusters, individual stars, and galaxies.
- The NJSEA William D. McDowell Observatory opened to the public on Sept. 8, 2008.
- The Observatory is operated through an understanding between the NJSEA and Bergen Community College.
- The Observatory’s namesake, William D. McDowell, was the first Executive Director of the agency, serving from 1972-1978.
For more information, email info@njsea.com, or call 201-460-1700 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays.